Content: 6x Bits (2x multi tooth 15/20mm, 2x slot 5/7mm, 2x cross 1/2 mm), 1x Socket wrench coupling / 1x repairing box, 3x Socket wrench insets ¼" Allen wrench 8/9/10 mm, 1x L-grip for socket wrench / 3x nylon tyre lever, 1x 2 in 1 puller / 1x tool to rivet chains, 8x Allen key for angles with ball head 2/2.2/3/4/5/6/8/10 mm, 1x pedal wrench / 1x pinion remover, 1x Double cone wrench 13/14/15/16 mm, 1x Bearing shell wrench / 1x open-end spanner 8x10 mm, 1x Spoke wrench / 1x inner bearing puller / 1x free wheel puller